Great Stories.... Simply Put
Do you know someone going through a difficult period? I have had numerous customers who used the large planner or were gifted it when going through a personal crisis, such as chronic illness or job loss. Here is some of what they had to say.
"It helped me keep all the papers together as I went from doctor to doctor, my appointments were always organized and at my fingertips. The little notes of cheer and tips encouraged me during a difficult time. I was extremely organized and felt I could take on doctors, insurance issues and this planner personally saved me thousands of dollars as there were occasionally medical rebilling issues that I knew weren't right. Now that I am no longer in crisis, I use the smaller version. It fits in my bag. I take it everywhere, I keep up on all the birthdays and anniversaries and all the fun things that life has for me. Thank you Maria, I am looking forward to an organized year filled with excitement and joy."
Barbara S.
"My sister gave me your large planner when I lost my job. I was miserable and didn't know where to start. The planner was like starting over and letting the past go. There were so many tools in the book, I found the daily organizer invaluable. It broke things down so I could keep moving when I didn't want to even get out of bed in the morning. Now I have a great job, and Maria, your planner helped me get there. When is 2011 coming out!!????
Denise F.
If you think this planner is only for adults, guess again! Here are some stories about teens using this planner.
"Maria, I bought your planner for my daughter last year, who was 13 at the time. I was getting one for myself and thought the small one would be a fun Christmas gift for her. Maria, I couldn't believe it. By April, I was seeing a change in her. She was completing her assignments better and was just more organized....just like you always say..... small steps!"
"Miss Murphy, I love your planner, this is soooo easy for me to use! I can find everything I need. I can fit it in my bag easy. I use the projects sheets to record my times for track. When I have thoughts for my writing, I put it in the book and I have it! And I keep all my school projects in there so I know when they are due! But I have a question, can you get them in different colors?"
Isabelle - 14
So many people going through transitions have used my planners to help ease the stress of change. See what they have to say!
" I bought this for myself when I moved last summer. Everything was changing and my pocket planner just didn't do the trick. There was so much room for everything! I never missed a beat, even when the movers tried to play with my price. I just popped the contract out of the back pocket of the planner. Simple!"
"My friend, Chris, who has seen you speak, is crazy about you! When I started to go through my divorce she came over one day with one of your planners wrapped up with a bow. She said "This is the best thing I can do to help you, besides happy hour and listening." She was right. It was amazing to open up a new book and start over and your quotes sometimes made me cry, but because I knew it was going to be okay. And now it is. Thank you. And I am a loyal customer forever!
Have a great week and remember to make the moment happen!
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