Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Organize your life, satisfy your soul

This is a guest post by professional organizer, Kim Cossette. You can find her here. Consider signing up for her newsletter. She has great tips and ideas each month!

5 KEY QUESTIONS TO ASK YOURSELF in order to create an Organized living space to support your busy lifestyle and satisfy your soul

We all get the urge at some point to "Get Organized!" This urge stems from a feeling that something is out of synch. But what? How do we truly create an organized living space that supports our busy lifestyle and satisfies our soul? Before you go out and buy all sorts of containers and dig in - here are 5 key questions to ask yourself:

1. What is important in your life? Brainstorm and make a list of all the activities and interests that impact your life. Ideally, each of these critical life areas should be supported in your home. Here are some potential categories:

Family - Is there public and private space for everyone? Is there a designated area to share meals together?
Finances/Household Management - is there a central place for household papers? Bill paying?
Health - Is your home stocked with healthy, natural cleaning products? Is your pantry stocked with fresh, nutritious food?
Recreation - When the mood strikes, is all the equipment for your favorite activity ready to grab and go?
Creativity - When your creative juices are flowing, are all supplies together for your favorite project?
Education - Is there ample room to study? Enjoy books? Learn a new skill?
Personal Interests - Does your home reflect you and your personal interests?
Career - Do you have a designated home office? Can you step into your closet and quickly pull your best self together when necessary?
Relationships - Is your bedroom a calm, peaceful, sacred space reserved just for you and your relationship.

2. What is no longer important in your life? Have your children outgrown their toys? Do you have supplies around for events long since over? Have a purging day and make a donation, or have a sale and be done with it.

3. Never forget the mantra: "Do I need it, do I use it, do I love it?" Only welcome into your world those possessions and activities that are important to you. It's really as simple as that. Everything else can be moved on.

Now that you've asked the big questions: What is important? What is not important? A few more key questions . . .

4. Who will access and use the space? Do you live alone or with other family members? Have hired help? Are household belongings accessible to whoever uses them? Does everything have a clear and labeled home so everyone involved can be self-sufficient? Keep all these factors in mind when setting up your space.

5. What feel do you want in your space? What are your favorite colors, textures, materials? Do you like things in sight, or out of view? Keep these questions and answers in your mind as you are organizing your space and selecting your containers. If your space is visually appealing to you, you are more likely to maintain it as well as just plain enjoy it!

Answer these five questions and you are well on your way to a living space which is organized, efficient and uniquely your own!

©2008 Kim Cossette.

Kim Cossette is a Certified Professional Organizer (CPO®) and Owner of The Organized Approach - a professional organizing company dedicated to helping busy homeowners create calm, uncluttered, joyful living spaces. If you are ready to get organized, receive Kim’s FREE "10 Simple Steps to Get Organized and Change Your Life!" by visiting www.theorganizedapproach

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