Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Simplicity Values - Simple ways to start the New Year off right


5 Ways to Make the New Year count

1. Get physcial. Get your body moving. Make it a habit to move your body, to get up and get what you need for yourself. Add steps into your day instead of deleting them.

2. Stop. Every couple of hours stop and regroup. Just take a brief time out in order to center yourself and remind yourself to restore.

3. Say it. Reach out the to people that matter to you. If you love someone, don't wait to say it. Tell the people who matter how much they do matter. Let 2009 be the year you say how you feel toward those you care about.

4. Prioretize. Decide what matters to you and begin to spend more time doing just that. No more days, weeks, years of "what if's." Decide what makes you happy and go there.

5. Let go. Stop being angry or worried about things that just don't matter. Focus, instead on the things that may you happy and at peace. Try and reduce your focus on the things that dishearten, anger or stress you.

Try these simple goals for creating a great New Year!

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